Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

What You Should Know About Back Pain Treatments

Treatment for back pain does not give instantaneous feedback or results. First step taken by individuals is alleviating back pain through ice or heat and medications. If this doesn’t show effects medical evaluation was the next step. The symptoms of the patient along with the period of back pain are taken into account for treatment. Patients with acute back pain need not worry as the period is short and it resolves by itself. Sub-acute needs attention, as the period is longer than acute. Back pain has to be treated if it’s chronic which means the presence of pain for more than 3 months. Pain for day’s together, awakening during sleep in the night because of pain, Dysfunction of bowel or bladder, fever and infections with unusual symptoms are warning signs to start treatment.. . . .

Back pain treatments that are done at home like applying ice above the strained muscle relieve pain and heat can be applied to relax the stiff muscles. Bed rest for two days is recommended and after rest normal activity can be done.

The commonly prescribed medication for pain relief is ibrufen and also acetaminophen but the advice of a physician is a must for all medications. For Acute back pain narcotic and non-narcotic pain relievers are prescribed. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also suggested. Oral steroids are also used but they have after effects like headache and weakening of bones. Chronic back pain, which occurs due to damage of nerves, is treated by tricyclic antidepressants and nortriptyline. Side effects like constipation, dryness in the mouth and lethargy are possible.

Steroid injections are injected in the membrane of nerve roots to reduce the pain instantaneously to a certain extent. Physical therapy is normally practiced to reduce pain, bring back normal activity, boost functions and avoid recurrences. Massage therapy influences the increase of circulation of blood in the affected area. Massage therapy has various devices to be used and techniques that can be followed. Electrotherapy is also very effective as it passes mild currents on the skin and stimulates contraction of muscles, strengthening of muscles and increasing the level of neurochemicals on the area. Ultra sound reduces pains and muscle spasms as the sound in the form of waves penetrates into the skin and makes the soft tissues to vibrate. It also creates gentle heat, which in turn increases the flow of blood in the body. Acupuncture helps in reducing back pain without medication and the side effects are less. Thin –hair needles are inserted inside the skin for less than 30 seconds. But frequent sessions have to be undergone.

Surgery is undergone for chronic back pain with symptoms like compression of spinal cord, weakness of muscles and problems in bowel or balder. The herniated disc, which presses the nerves, is removed by discectomy. Spinal cord gets compression by the lamina and this can be removed by Laminectomy. Bone grafting is also done for spinal instability.

Exercise strengthens bones and minimizes injury risk. Regular exercise rectifies physical problems and prevents from new ones. For back pain exercise helps in speedy recovery and makes the back muscles strong. The soft tissue around the spine, which includes the ligaments, the muscles and tendons, gets benefited through stretching. Different muscles when stretched gains flexibility and also maintain mobility. The muscles targeted to stretch are Hamstrings (back part of leg), Piriformis (back part of thigh bone and the spine), Psoas Major (front part of lower spine) and the Gluteus muscles (around the buttocks). Muscle flexibility increases if stretching is done daily and frequently. Aerobics with walking, bicycling and water therapy minimizes pain throughout the body. Prevention can be done through maintaining weight, healthy diet, awareness of suitable body mechanics and avoiding same posture for longer duration.

Back Pain Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Back pain commonly called, as backache is a frequent complaint by 80 percent of the global population at any point of their life cycle. Our back consists of structured bones along with muscles and tissues, which are very soft. Backache always plays a main part in delaying or missed work. Our every movement solely depends on our back and since prevention is possible it has to be taken utmost care. Home remedies along with proper body mechanics helps in keeping body ache away from us. Treatment for back pain does not require surgery. Pain relievers help a lot and rest plays a main role.
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Back pain can be from a slight ache to a strong pain. Severe backache occurs abruptly and may last for one or two days. If the pain is felt for more than weeks together it’s referred as chronic. This type of pain normally fades as time passes but the duration will be long. Bed rest for more than two days will worsen the condition of the patient. If back pain is felt after injury it is important to get examined at the earliest.

Reason for backache may be due to lifting heavy things in an improper position or a swift change in the body position. Our lower back is very important as it carries majority weight of the body. Increase of stress towards a particular location or muscle tremor in the lower back muscles can also lead to back ache. But in several cases the reason for backache is not clear. Risk factors also include the type of occupation, Poor posture and lack of physical work or sedentary.

If the disk on the back gets pressed to the nerve it may lead to Herniated disk. Sciatica occurs at the sciatic nerve due to the influence of herniated disk and creates unbearable back pain inside the buttocks and leg. Due to over growth of bone or because of arthritis Spinal stenosis occurs where the space shared by the spinal cord with the nerve roots gets limited or reduced which in turn creates pinching feeling on the nerves. Spondylosis occurs due to aging. Spondylolisthesis happens in the spinal column if one of the vertebras slips above another vertebra in forward position. Loss of control in the bladder or insensitive feeling in the groin part along with legs getting weakened are neurological problems known as Cauda equina syndrome.

Cancers in the spine or a fever with warm feeling in the back area along with pain are also some of the reasons for backache. If the patient has undergone many surgeries for varied reasons it can lead to chronic back pain where the possibility of treatment is limited.

Symptoms of back pain includes intense pain while you are lying down and pain spreads from one leg to another and pain in the abdomen followed by fever or weight loss drastically with out any reason. Back pain could be due to an injury in the back and can lead to serious health problems in the future.

Diagnosis for back pain will not be through laboratory tests but assessment will be made on the posture of the back and actions like sitting, standing and lifting legs. A reflex hammer, which is made of rubber, will be used to test the reflexes of your body. The examined results help in identifying the exact location of pain, the degree of activity you can perform without pain and the possibility of muscle spasms. They also aid in ruling out other serious reasons of back pain.

Back pain could be totally avoided by improvising your health condition and following body mechanics like good and smart way of standing, sitting, lifting and sleeping in a regular way. Aerobics and Physical activity with less stress along with balanced height and weight help in avoiding back pain. Smoking has to be stopped as it slows down the healing process.

Back pain can be effectively treated less expensively through regular exercise and by practicing smart posture. If back pain is not controlled, it may lead to other complications that may be too costly to treat.

Lower Back Pain Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Exercises

One of the very common medical problems is low back pain. Lower back pain is pain felt and travels in the ribs particularly in the back or in the upper part of legs. This pain starts suddenly and could be the follow up of strain or an injury. Sometimes the pain may not have anatomical cause. Sit up or turn over posture may be difficult and the worse could be bending or sitting. Even a sneeze or a cough can be painful.
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Back pain normally gets resolved within weeks but the pain undergone by the patients is unbearable. Conservational treatments are normally taken for lower back pain since it is temporary and slowly resolve with time.

For a speedy recovery, proper treatment has to be started only after knowing the exact cause for its occurrence. The main reason for lower back pain can be Lumbar muscle strain and ruptured disc or herniated disc. Disc damage in the inter vertebral column leads to Discogenic lower back pain and this could be diagnosed using discogram. But this in no way relates to herniated disc where the back gets pressed to the nerve. Aging population come across Spinal stenosis as the spinal canal is thinned. This may happen due to arthritis or any other specific conditions. Any joint ache is termed arthritis and particularly on the spine creates lower back pain.

Spinal stenosis causes back pain in the aging population. As we age, the spinal canal can become constricted, due in part to arthritis and other conditions. If the spinal canal becomes too tight, back pain can be the result. Spondylolisthesis occurs due to the instability of adjacent vertebras which start to slip. This results in unstable spine and ends in lower back pain. Osteoporosis Leads to many orthopedic complications and is mostly referred as the compression fractures of vertebral column. This weakens the bones and hence the possibilities of getting fractures are more .If back pain continues for 6 weeks or less it’s referred as acute. If this continues for less than 12 weeks it is described as sub-acute. It’s termed as chronic if it persists for more than 3 months.

Diagnosis is helped by blood tests and scan but not to a greater extent and X rays are not advised due to high radiation. Muscle strain heals quickly as the blood supply is good and carries the needed nutrients with proteins for healing. Bed rest is advised for severe pain but not for two days or more. Hot or cold application eases the pain to a certain extent. People who are active with good physique can avoid low backache, as there will be regular stretch of muscles. The supporting muscles of the spine are extensors, which include back and gluteal muscles, Flexors, which comprise abdominal and iliopsoas muscles and the last one is the side muscles also called as rotators. It’s also referred as Obliques .Not all these muscles are used in day-to-day life and they get weakened with age.

Lower backache exercise program should combine stretching and strengthening exercises with aerobics. Common symptoms of lower back pain for people less than 60 year old will be pain in legs or numbness and pain during movement and sitting. Older people will have symptoms like increase of back pain during the morning and evening periods with stiffness in the back and. pain is also felt downwards in the legs. Psychological reasons play main role on pain levels and so person’s attitude and situation plays an active role.

Neurological symptoms like weakening, feeling of numbness or tingling sometimes accompany pain. Immediate attention is needed if there is a dysfunction in bladder or in the bowel and weakness or numbness in the groin.

Precautions like avoidance of stress and maintaining proper weight with regular exercise help in eliminating the problems of lower back pain.

Product Description
Rheumatic according to Ayurvedic theory because the failure to dispose of the body and the oxygen that is not useful results body metabolism, which then settle and accumulate in the bone that cause pain and rheumatism.

Chronic indigestion, the process penuaan.

Dosage: 2 capsule three times a day.


* Joint pain
* Inflammation or swelling in the joints
* Cramps in the morning
* Lost in the joint impetus
* Fatigue that occurs with the same painful joints

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* Treatment using natural anti-inflammation, penurun hot, painful and pelancar remover urine.
* Using the leaves of the heart and helps prevent muscle terbentuknya acid.
* Treat and cure chronic constipation.
* Remove the toxin from the body.

AYUARTIS traditionally used for:

* Arthritis
* Rheumatism
* Osteoarthritis
Body length *
* Strained
* Aches and stiff-stiff in the joint, muscles and spine


* Anti inflammation
* Pain remover
* Imuno-modulator

AYUARTIS is a nutritious herbal combination to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the joint. Derived from herbal and natural balance that has been teruji time. AYUARTIS issue and alergen toxin, which can cause inflammation and remove excess fluid production. AYUARTIS contains plants that help prevent joint degeneration process and strengthen the network and the bones. AYUARTIS also does not disrupt stomach and alimentary tract, such as in medicine antiinflamasi, analgetik-antipiretik general and can be used for long time.

Commiphora extract over, Radix Withania Somnifera, resina Boswellia Serrata Extract, Radix Cyperus Rotundus, Paedaria Foetida Extract folium, folium Extract Vitex Negundo, Cortex Holarrahena Antidysenterica, Similax China Radix, Radix Boerhaavia Diffusa, Fructus Tribulus Terrestris, Frustus Apium Graveolens, Radis sida Cordifolia , Ammi Trachspermum Semen, Semen Extract Trigonella Feonum Graecum

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Strengthens the immune system and enhances the body's ability

Spirulina is one particular kind of blue-green algae with a centuries long history of safe human consumption. It is well known to be safe and nutritious.

The WHO recognizes the nutritional importance of spirulina in parts of the world where there is protein malnutrition.

K-LINK Liquid Organic Spirulina is an amazing super food for health, energy and vitality originating from the world's largest Spirulina farm Earthrise Nutritionals in California, USA. . . .

K-LINK Organic Spirulina is derived from pure, unmodified and 100% natural Organic Spirulina and is free from pesticides, herbicides or impurities. Spirulina contains at least 12 vitamins, 11 minerals, 4 important pigments, 14 essential and non-essential fatty acids and 18 essential and non-essential amino acids. Spirulina is rich in Beta Carotene. Spirulina is an effective energy booster and an ideal food supplement for people of all ages. It boosts our immune system, has a property to prevent heart disease and cancer, provides high iron and has potent anti-viral activity.

The K-LINK'S Liquid Organic Spirulina is harvested in ecologically controlled, and uncontaminated environment .

K-Liquid Spirulina is a balanced meal to adults and children alike, helps to nourish people with digestive problems and provides the required "greens" for those who have no liking for vegetables.

Berry Juice 
Crystalline Fructose 
Organic Spirulina 
Xanthan Gum 
Guar Gum 
Citric Acid 
Natural Flavour and Colour 
Purified Water and 
Permitted level of food grade preservatives.

K-LINK'S Spirulina is in liquid form, making its nutrients highly digestible, which in turn provides the body with instant benefits. 
Moreover, K-LINKs liquid organic spirulina is fortified with UIE, making it a super food for health, energy and vitality. 
Just 1 sachet of K-LINKs liquid organic Spirulina provides 50% of the nutrition required by our body per day. 
Spirulina is a complete balanced meal in a sachet. 
Spirulina strengthens the immune system and enhances the body's ability to generate new cells. 
Malnourished children and adults have gained health and have benefited from the consumption of spirulina. 
Spirulina contains GLA Gamma Linolenic Acid in natural form, which is an anti inflammatory agent, which alleviates symptoms of arthritic conditions, and also promotes growth. 
It is a natural cleanser and a balanced meal. 
It cleanses and detoxifies the body's internal organs and eliminates toxins from the body. 
It is also an excellent energy booster. 
It is an organic food without any pesticides or chemicals. 
It is the only richest plant source of protein. 
Rich in minerals and has upto 70% of proteins. 
Reduces PMS. 
Proteins in spirulina is the only protein that does not form mucous in the large intestine. K-LINKs Liquid Organic Spirulina is an ideal supplement for people of all age groups.

K- Link Liquid Organic Spirulina is sourced from Earthrise Nutritional, USA. Earthrise Nutritionals has pioneered the culture of spirulina since 1975 and was the first American company to introduce spirulina as a natural food in 1979. Today, the 108-acre Earthrise Farms at Calipatria, California, is the world's largest spirulina farm, producing some 500 metric tons of processed spirulina per year. Read More...

Healthy Diet Tea

This unique healthy tea from South Africa is completely pure and natural as it contains no additives, preservatives and colorants. The needle like leaves and twigs of the plant, "Aspalathus Linearis", is only grown in the unpolluted hills of Cedarberg region in Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. It has a rich aroma and great taste.“Rooibos” SOD drink is free from Caffeine. It is pure and natural and do not have any additives, preservatives, colorants. It contains nutrients like calcium, copper, fluoride, iron, etc which helps nourishing the body. Can be strongly recommended for people suffering from irritability, , insomania, nervous tension, mild depression or hypertension,headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns.“Rooibos SOD drink is a great starter in the morning, a superb thirst-quencher during the day and at night it helps to relax and sleep well. It is the best antioxidant.Thanks to Rooibos tea’s natural powerful, rejuvenating and antioxidant qualities it is also excellent for use in skin and healthcare products..

- It contains nutrients like calcium, copper, fluoride, iron, etc which helps nourishing the body

- A soothing cup of Rooibos is completely pure and natural, containing no additives, preservatives or colourants of any kind.  
- It contains no caffeine, which can be harmful to the central nervous system, causing irritability, high blood pressure and erratic sleep patterns.  
- It is low in tannin, a substance that adversely affects the body’s metabolism by decreasing the absorption of iron and protein.  
- The clean, aromatic flavor of Rooibos can be safely enjoyed in unlimited quantities throughout the day, with no harmful side effects.  
- Rooibos contains the minerals Copper, iron and potassium, calcium, fluoride, Zinc, Manganese, alpha-hydroxy( for healthy skin) and Magnesium( for the nervous system). - Rooibos SOD Tea is a great choice for health conscious people.  
- It contains anti-spasmodic agents which relieves stomach cramping.  
- Sodium Oxide Dismutase [ SOD ] in Rooibos SOD drink is an antioxidant which helps in preventing the damage occurring to the cell walls due to free radicals that can cause premature aging.  
- Rooibos has Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic properties and Skin irritations.  
- Rooibos contains SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) an anti-oxidant needed to protect our body from free radicals, which are the fore runners of cancer.  
- SOD also promotes healthy cell growth.  
- Rooibos supplements the daily amount of calcium and fluoride required for strengthening teeth and bones.  
- It has Anti-spasmodic properties.  
- Rooibos SOD drink has a soothing effect on the skin, relieving itching and certain skin irritations when directly applied to the affected area. 
- Acts as a digestive aid.

Rinse the teapot with boiling water, then empty it.Add 1 bag into the teapot. ( One bag can brew approx. 1.5 litre of drink) Pour boiling water into the pot and allow infusing for 2 to 3 minutes. Enjoy the aroma and soothing taste. Rooibos drink can be consumed with or without sugar, milk or any other add on to suit your taste. Read More...