Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

What You Should Know About Back Pain Treatments

Treatment for back pain does not give instantaneous feedback or results. First step taken by individuals is alleviating back pain through ice or heat and medications. If this doesn’t show effects medical evaluation was the next step. The symptoms of the patient along with the period of back pain are taken into account for treatment. Patients with acute back pain need not worry as the period is short and it resolves by itself. Sub-acute needs attention, as the period is longer than acute. Back pain has to be treated if it’s chronic which means the presence of pain for more than 3 months. Pain for day’s together, awakening during sleep in the night because of pain, Dysfunction of bowel or bladder, fever and infections with unusual symptoms are warning signs to start treatment.. . . .

Back pain treatments that are done at home like applying ice above the strained muscle relieve pain and heat can be applied to relax the stiff muscles. Bed rest for two days is recommended and after rest normal activity can be done.

The commonly prescribed medication for pain relief is ibrufen and also acetaminophen but the advice of a physician is a must for all medications. For Acute back pain narcotic and non-narcotic pain relievers are prescribed. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also suggested. Oral steroids are also used but they have after effects like headache and weakening of bones. Chronic back pain, which occurs due to damage of nerves, is treated by tricyclic antidepressants and nortriptyline. Side effects like constipation, dryness in the mouth and lethargy are possible.

Steroid injections are injected in the membrane of nerve roots to reduce the pain instantaneously to a certain extent. Physical therapy is normally practiced to reduce pain, bring back normal activity, boost functions and avoid recurrences. Massage therapy influences the increase of circulation of blood in the affected area. Massage therapy has various devices to be used and techniques that can be followed. Electrotherapy is also very effective as it passes mild currents on the skin and stimulates contraction of muscles, strengthening of muscles and increasing the level of neurochemicals on the area. Ultra sound reduces pains and muscle spasms as the sound in the form of waves penetrates into the skin and makes the soft tissues to vibrate. It also creates gentle heat, which in turn increases the flow of blood in the body. Acupuncture helps in reducing back pain without medication and the side effects are less. Thin –hair needles are inserted inside the skin for less than 30 seconds. But frequent sessions have to be undergone.

Surgery is undergone for chronic back pain with symptoms like compression of spinal cord, weakness of muscles and problems in bowel or balder. The herniated disc, which presses the nerves, is removed by discectomy. Spinal cord gets compression by the lamina and this can be removed by Laminectomy. Bone grafting is also done for spinal instability.

Exercise strengthens bones and minimizes injury risk. Regular exercise rectifies physical problems and prevents from new ones. For back pain exercise helps in speedy recovery and makes the back muscles strong. The soft tissue around the spine, which includes the ligaments, the muscles and tendons, gets benefited through stretching. Different muscles when stretched gains flexibility and also maintain mobility. The muscles targeted to stretch are Hamstrings (back part of leg), Piriformis (back part of thigh bone and the spine), Psoas Major (front part of lower spine) and the Gluteus muscles (around the buttocks). Muscle flexibility increases if stretching is done daily and frequently. Aerobics with walking, bicycling and water therapy minimizes pain throughout the body. Prevention can be done through maintaining weight, healthy diet, awareness of suitable body mechanics and avoiding same posture for longer duration.

Back Pain Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Back pain commonly called, as backache is a frequent complaint by 80 percent of the global population at any point of their life cycle. Our back consists of structured bones along with muscles and tissues, which are very soft. Backache always plays a main part in delaying or missed work. Our every movement solely depends on our back and since prevention is possible it has to be taken utmost care. Home remedies along with proper body mechanics helps in keeping body ache away from us. Treatment for back pain does not require surgery. Pain relievers help a lot and rest plays a main role.
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Back pain can be from a slight ache to a strong pain. Severe backache occurs abruptly and may last for one or two days. If the pain is felt for more than weeks together it’s referred as chronic. This type of pain normally fades as time passes but the duration will be long. Bed rest for more than two days will worsen the condition of the patient. If back pain is felt after injury it is important to get examined at the earliest.

Reason for backache may be due to lifting heavy things in an improper position or a swift change in the body position. Our lower back is very important as it carries majority weight of the body. Increase of stress towards a particular location or muscle tremor in the lower back muscles can also lead to back ache. But in several cases the reason for backache is not clear. Risk factors also include the type of occupation, Poor posture and lack of physical work or sedentary.

If the disk on the back gets pressed to the nerve it may lead to Herniated disk. Sciatica occurs at the sciatic nerve due to the influence of herniated disk and creates unbearable back pain inside the buttocks and leg. Due to over growth of bone or because of arthritis Spinal stenosis occurs where the space shared by the spinal cord with the nerve roots gets limited or reduced which in turn creates pinching feeling on the nerves. Spondylosis occurs due to aging. Spondylolisthesis happens in the spinal column if one of the vertebras slips above another vertebra in forward position. Loss of control in the bladder or insensitive feeling in the groin part along with legs getting weakened are neurological problems known as Cauda equina syndrome.

Cancers in the spine or a fever with warm feeling in the back area along with pain are also some of the reasons for backache. If the patient has undergone many surgeries for varied reasons it can lead to chronic back pain where the possibility of treatment is limited.

Symptoms of back pain includes intense pain while you are lying down and pain spreads from one leg to another and pain in the abdomen followed by fever or weight loss drastically with out any reason. Back pain could be due to an injury in the back and can lead to serious health problems in the future.

Diagnosis for back pain will not be through laboratory tests but assessment will be made on the posture of the back and actions like sitting, standing and lifting legs. A reflex hammer, which is made of rubber, will be used to test the reflexes of your body. The examined results help in identifying the exact location of pain, the degree of activity you can perform without pain and the possibility of muscle spasms. They also aid in ruling out other serious reasons of back pain.

Back pain could be totally avoided by improvising your health condition and following body mechanics like good and smart way of standing, sitting, lifting and sleeping in a regular way. Aerobics and Physical activity with less stress along with balanced height and weight help in avoiding back pain. Smoking has to be stopped as it slows down the healing process.

Back pain can be effectively treated less expensively through regular exercise and by practicing smart posture. If back pain is not controlled, it may lead to other complications that may be too costly to treat.

Lower Back Pain Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Exercises

One of the very common medical problems is low back pain. Lower back pain is pain felt and travels in the ribs particularly in the back or in the upper part of legs. This pain starts suddenly and could be the follow up of strain or an injury. Sometimes the pain may not have anatomical cause. Sit up or turn over posture may be difficult and the worse could be bending or sitting. Even a sneeze or a cough can be painful.
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Back pain normally gets resolved within weeks but the pain undergone by the patients is unbearable. Conservational treatments are normally taken for lower back pain since it is temporary and slowly resolve with time.

For a speedy recovery, proper treatment has to be started only after knowing the exact cause for its occurrence. The main reason for lower back pain can be Lumbar muscle strain and ruptured disc or herniated disc. Disc damage in the inter vertebral column leads to Discogenic lower back pain and this could be diagnosed using discogram. But this in no way relates to herniated disc where the back gets pressed to the nerve. Aging population come across Spinal stenosis as the spinal canal is thinned. This may happen due to arthritis or any other specific conditions. Any joint ache is termed arthritis and particularly on the spine creates lower back pain.

Spinal stenosis causes back pain in the aging population. As we age, the spinal canal can become constricted, due in part to arthritis and other conditions. If the spinal canal becomes too tight, back pain can be the result. Spondylolisthesis occurs due to the instability of adjacent vertebras which start to slip. This results in unstable spine and ends in lower back pain. Osteoporosis Leads to many orthopedic complications and is mostly referred as the compression fractures of vertebral column. This weakens the bones and hence the possibilities of getting fractures are more .If back pain continues for 6 weeks or less it’s referred as acute. If this continues for less than 12 weeks it is described as sub-acute. It’s termed as chronic if it persists for more than 3 months.

Diagnosis is helped by blood tests and scan but not to a greater extent and X rays are not advised due to high radiation. Muscle strain heals quickly as the blood supply is good and carries the needed nutrients with proteins for healing. Bed rest is advised for severe pain but not for two days or more. Hot or cold application eases the pain to a certain extent. People who are active with good physique can avoid low backache, as there will be regular stretch of muscles. The supporting muscles of the spine are extensors, which include back and gluteal muscles, Flexors, which comprise abdominal and iliopsoas muscles and the last one is the side muscles also called as rotators. It’s also referred as Obliques .Not all these muscles are used in day-to-day life and they get weakened with age.

Lower backache exercise program should combine stretching and strengthening exercises with aerobics. Common symptoms of lower back pain for people less than 60 year old will be pain in legs or numbness and pain during movement and sitting. Older people will have symptoms like increase of back pain during the morning and evening periods with stiffness in the back and. pain is also felt downwards in the legs. Psychological reasons play main role on pain levels and so person’s attitude and situation plays an active role.

Neurological symptoms like weakening, feeling of numbness or tingling sometimes accompany pain. Immediate attention is needed if there is a dysfunction in bladder or in the bowel and weakness or numbness in the groin.

Precautions like avoidance of stress and maintaining proper weight with regular exercise help in eliminating the problems of lower back pain.

Product Description
Rheumatic according to Ayurvedic theory because the failure to dispose of the body and the oxygen that is not useful results body metabolism, which then settle and accumulate in the bone that cause pain and rheumatism.

Chronic indigestion, the process penuaan.

Dosage: 2 capsule three times a day.


* Joint pain
* Inflammation or swelling in the joints
* Cramps in the morning
* Lost in the joint impetus
* Fatigue that occurs with the same painful joints

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* Treatment using natural anti-inflammation, penurun hot, painful and pelancar remover urine.
* Using the leaves of the heart and helps prevent muscle terbentuknya acid.
* Treat and cure chronic constipation.
* Remove the toxin from the body.

AYUARTIS traditionally used for:

* Arthritis
* Rheumatism
* Osteoarthritis
Body length *
* Strained
* Aches and stiff-stiff in the joint, muscles and spine


* Anti inflammation
* Pain remover
* Imuno-modulator

AYUARTIS is a nutritious herbal combination to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the joint. Derived from herbal and natural balance that has been teruji time. AYUARTIS issue and alergen toxin, which can cause inflammation and remove excess fluid production. AYUARTIS contains plants that help prevent joint degeneration process and strengthen the network and the bones. AYUARTIS also does not disrupt stomach and alimentary tract, such as in medicine antiinflamasi, analgetik-antipiretik general and can be used for long time.

Commiphora extract over, Radix Withania Somnifera, resina Boswellia Serrata Extract, Radix Cyperus Rotundus, Paedaria Foetida Extract folium, folium Extract Vitex Negundo, Cortex Holarrahena Antidysenterica, Similax China Radix, Radix Boerhaavia Diffusa, Fructus Tribulus Terrestris, Frustus Apium Graveolens, Radis sida Cordifolia , Ammi Trachspermum Semen, Semen Extract Trigonella Feonum Graecum

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

Strengthens the immune system and enhances the body's ability

Spirulina is one particular kind of blue-green algae with a centuries long history of safe human consumption. It is well known to be safe and nutritious.

The WHO recognizes the nutritional importance of spirulina in parts of the world where there is protein malnutrition.

K-LINK Liquid Organic Spirulina is an amazing super food for health, energy and vitality originating from the world's largest Spirulina farm Earthrise Nutritionals in California, USA. . . .

K-LINK Organic Spirulina is derived from pure, unmodified and 100% natural Organic Spirulina and is free from pesticides, herbicides or impurities. Spirulina contains at least 12 vitamins, 11 minerals, 4 important pigments, 14 essential and non-essential fatty acids and 18 essential and non-essential amino acids. Spirulina is rich in Beta Carotene. Spirulina is an effective energy booster and an ideal food supplement for people of all ages. It boosts our immune system, has a property to prevent heart disease and cancer, provides high iron and has potent anti-viral activity.

The K-LINK'S Liquid Organic Spirulina is harvested in ecologically controlled, and uncontaminated environment .

K-Liquid Spirulina is a balanced meal to adults and children alike, helps to nourish people with digestive problems and provides the required "greens" for those who have no liking for vegetables.

Berry Juice 
Crystalline Fructose 
Organic Spirulina 
Xanthan Gum 
Guar Gum 
Citric Acid 
Natural Flavour and Colour 
Purified Water and 
Permitted level of food grade preservatives.

K-LINK'S Spirulina is in liquid form, making its nutrients highly digestible, which in turn provides the body with instant benefits. 
Moreover, K-LINKs liquid organic spirulina is fortified with UIE, making it a super food for health, energy and vitality. 
Just 1 sachet of K-LINKs liquid organic Spirulina provides 50% of the nutrition required by our body per day. 
Spirulina is a complete balanced meal in a sachet. 
Spirulina strengthens the immune system and enhances the body's ability to generate new cells. 
Malnourished children and adults have gained health and have benefited from the consumption of spirulina. 
Spirulina contains GLA Gamma Linolenic Acid in natural form, which is an anti inflammatory agent, which alleviates symptoms of arthritic conditions, and also promotes growth. 
It is a natural cleanser and a balanced meal. 
It cleanses and detoxifies the body's internal organs and eliminates toxins from the body. 
It is also an excellent energy booster. 
It is an organic food without any pesticides or chemicals. 
It is the only richest plant source of protein. 
Rich in minerals and has upto 70% of proteins. 
Reduces PMS. 
Proteins in spirulina is the only protein that does not form mucous in the large intestine. K-LINKs Liquid Organic Spirulina is an ideal supplement for people of all age groups.

K- Link Liquid Organic Spirulina is sourced from Earthrise Nutritional, USA. Earthrise Nutritionals has pioneered the culture of spirulina since 1975 and was the first American company to introduce spirulina as a natural food in 1979. Today, the 108-acre Earthrise Farms at Calipatria, California, is the world's largest spirulina farm, producing some 500 metric tons of processed spirulina per year. Read More...

Healthy Diet Tea

This unique healthy tea from South Africa is completely pure and natural as it contains no additives, preservatives and colorants. The needle like leaves and twigs of the plant, "Aspalathus Linearis", is only grown in the unpolluted hills of Cedarberg region in Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. It has a rich aroma and great taste.“Rooibos” SOD drink is free from Caffeine. It is pure and natural and do not have any additives, preservatives, colorants. It contains nutrients like calcium, copper, fluoride, iron, etc which helps nourishing the body. Can be strongly recommended for people suffering from irritability, , insomania, nervous tension, mild depression or hypertension,headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns.“Rooibos SOD drink is a great starter in the morning, a superb thirst-quencher during the day and at night it helps to relax and sleep well. It is the best antioxidant.Thanks to Rooibos tea’s natural powerful, rejuvenating and antioxidant qualities it is also excellent for use in skin and healthcare products..

- It contains nutrients like calcium, copper, fluoride, iron, etc which helps nourishing the body

- A soothing cup of Rooibos is completely pure and natural, containing no additives, preservatives or colourants of any kind.  
- It contains no caffeine, which can be harmful to the central nervous system, causing irritability, high blood pressure and erratic sleep patterns.  
- It is low in tannin, a substance that adversely affects the body’s metabolism by decreasing the absorption of iron and protein.  
- The clean, aromatic flavor of Rooibos can be safely enjoyed in unlimited quantities throughout the day, with no harmful side effects.  
- Rooibos contains the minerals Copper, iron and potassium, calcium, fluoride, Zinc, Manganese, alpha-hydroxy( for healthy skin) and Magnesium( for the nervous system). - Rooibos SOD Tea is a great choice for health conscious people.  
- It contains anti-spasmodic agents which relieves stomach cramping.  
- Sodium Oxide Dismutase [ SOD ] in Rooibos SOD drink is an antioxidant which helps in preventing the damage occurring to the cell walls due to free radicals that can cause premature aging.  
- Rooibos has Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic properties and Skin irritations.  
- Rooibos contains SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase) an anti-oxidant needed to protect our body from free radicals, which are the fore runners of cancer.  
- SOD also promotes healthy cell growth.  
- Rooibos supplements the daily amount of calcium and fluoride required for strengthening teeth and bones.  
- It has Anti-spasmodic properties.  
- Rooibos SOD drink has a soothing effect on the skin, relieving itching and certain skin irritations when directly applied to the affected area. 
- Acts as a digestive aid.

Rinse the teapot with boiling water, then empty it.Add 1 bag into the teapot. ( One bag can brew approx. 1.5 litre of drink) Pour boiling water into the pot and allow infusing for 2 to 3 minutes. Enjoy the aroma and soothing taste. Rooibos drink can be consumed with or without sugar, milk or any other add on to suit your taste. Read More...

Cholorophyll Health Drink

  Green plants use carbon-dioxide in the air, water and minerals from the soil and sunlight to produce food. This process is called “photosynthesis”. Sunlight is actually absorbed by the green substance found in leaves called “chlorophyll”. K-LINK Liquid Chlorophyll is extracted from the purple-flowered variety Alfalfa plant. Alfalfa means “ Father Of All Foods”. The Alfalfa plant spreads its roots 100 feet deep, under the soil. That is why it can absorb all the high quality minerals and nutrients such as amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, other elements. Chlorophyll is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. Furthermore, it also contains trace elements, minerals and 8 essential enzymes. One tablespoon of K-LINK UIE Liquid Chlorophyll is equivalent to 1 kg of vegetable consumption. It gives energy to those people who feel stressed and tired.

UIE Liquid Chlorophyll is good for cleansing . . . .-refers to detoxification and eliminating impurities from our body, balancing-balances the acid and alkaline in our body and nourishing-provides nutrients for healthy blood to increase the oxygen level and red blood count. It is helpful for those who suffer from constipation, bad breath, body odour, respiratory problems, anemia, sore throats etc.

INGREDIENTS :Sodium Copper Chlorophyll 

UIE water

Provides iron to organs Detoxifies blood and acts as anti-cancer agent Improves cell functions Enhances metabolism Strengthens immune system Enhances lung functions Abates the risk of bronchitis Stabilizes body temperature Improves liver functions Improves functions of the thyroid glands. Abates digestive problems. K-Liquid Chlorophyll inhibits bacterial growth. It prevents internal and external infections. Good for people suffering from constipation. Stops bad breath, body odour and promotes dental health. Balances the acid and alkaline levels in the body. Helps in the healing of wounds. Improves anemic conditions.

USAGEIts usage is not restricted to oral consumption. It can be applied externally. For oral consumption add 1 tablespoon of Chlorophyll to a glass of 250ml water. To be taken thrice a day. A health tonic for cleansing, regulating and replenishing our system. K-Liquid Chlorophyll contains no artificial additives. Read More...

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

How Much Caffeine is Ok....

So what's the verdict on your daily coffee? My philosophy is I'll try anything twice and most substances can be used for tribal purposes. It's the abuse of a substance that starts the problem.

Did you know that worldwide, 120,000 tons of caffeine is consumed each year? That's the equivalent of one caffeine-containing beverage per day for each of the 5 billion plus inhabitants of planet earth.....

Welcome to the most widely consumed psycho-active substance in the world.

Humans have been using this drug since the Stone Age. Our early ancestors elevated their moods, stimulated their awareness and eased fatigue by chewing the bark, leaves or seeds of certain plants.

Today we big monkeys may have refined our tastes but are not much different. We consume caffeine in coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, some soft drinks, and even some drugs. But how much do we really know about the substance whose consumption is rivalled only by water?

Caffeine is found in varying amounts in the fruit, leaves, and beans of over 60 plants. In the plant world, caffeine acts as a natural pesticide that paralyses and kills some insects that try and feed on these plants.

But the word itself comes from the French term for coffee, café. Your typical morning latte can contain an upwards of 200g of caffeine. A cup of tea averages around 70mg, soft drinks anywhere from 10 to 50mg per beverage, and an average 28g serving of milk chocolate contains about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.

Studies have shown that a complete tolerance to the subjective effects of caffeine can be seen to develop after consuming 300mg of caffeine 3 times per day for 18 days, and sometimes even earlier.

Caffeine is completely absorbed by the stomach and small intestine within 45 minutes but its effects can be felt after around 15 minutes. And just what are these effects? Well, caffeine is a central nervous system and metabolic stimulant.

Because of the norepinephrine released in the brain after ingestion, caffeine increases respiration, strengthens the pulse, raises blood pressure, stimulates the kidneys, temporarily relieves fatigue, and excites the brain, improving mental function.

Caffeine and its related substance theobromine (from tea and cocoa) are like sugar in their effects on the body. They stimulate the adrenal glands to release an adrenaline-like substance, which causes the liver to release sugar into the blood stream.

This is what gives you the lift you feel from drinking caffeinated beverages.

Just like alcohol and nicotine, caffeine readily crosses the blood brain barrier. There in the brain it also constricts cerebral blood vessels. If you're used to drinking a few cups of coffee a day but decide to give it a rest, those blood vessels will dilate, leaving you with one hell of a headache, one of the best known withdrawal symptoms.

Other symptoms can include irritability, an inability to concentrate, and even stomach aches.

These feelings can appear within 12 to 24 hours if no caffeine has crossed your lips, peak at approximately 48 hours and last from one to five days.

It takes the body an average of 7 to 9 hours to process the caffeine in one cup of coffee. Women, however, metabolise caffeine about 25% faster than men unless they are taking oral contraceptives or are ovulating which then increases the time to 10 to 20 hours!

So, in my view 1-2 cups a day won't cause you too much harm, but the benefits you'll achieve by using caffeine only when you need it will far surpass your daily psychological reliance on those cups of coffee.

Reduce Cholesterol and Triglycerides

With CholesLo, you'll benefit because it's the world's first and only “quattro-mode” lipid reducer utilizing the Synergy Optimizer™ technology. 540+ published studies demonstrating: (a) dramatically reduces both cholesterol and triglycerides; (b) optimizes HDL/LDL ratios for optimal lipid profiles; and (c) cleanse & repair the liver (where cholesterol problems begin). It's one of the only nutraceuticals effective enough to be medically endorsed as a natural and safe alternative to “statin’s”, such as Lipitor, Zocor, Crestor and similar drugs.

CholesLo is guaranteed to work because (a) it's university tested and clinically proven; (b) patent pending formula contains 100% natural ingredients utilizing only pure extracts of the herbs - no dried, dead "roots" that don't work (complete with Certificates Of Analysis for proof!); (c) it's certified HPLC tested and USP Verified for purity & quality!

We've been in the health, fitness and longevity business for over 20+ years. I've heard of every marketing scam, tried almost every "junk" supplement, diet and exercise program and of course, have been "ripped off" more times that I would like to admit (and that's with my extensive knowledge and experience). We believe you should know as much about a product and company before you make your purchase (especially when you are a first-time customer).


Dealing With Adult Dyslexia

Dyslexia At Work

In the US, dyslexia afflicts about 40 million adults and children. In some cases, the condition is not easily detected until screening is conducted. Surprisingly, adults at work aren't aware they have dyslexia, and if they do, they keep it a well-guarded secret.

It is hard to figure out if the employee who's behind his job in the workplace has dyslexia. No assistance can be forthcoming until the individual undergoes screening for dyslexia. Online screening and support offered by service providers can assist dyslexic adults cope at work.

Management should provide programs to help potential dyslexics with.... their jobs and reach their full potential. Helping dyslexics promote positive attitude towards work reduces stress, improves work efficiency, and fosters loyalty.

How To Explain Dyslexia

The neurological difference that affects a person's word processing ability is known as dyslexia. It's not an intellectual disability as it happens to people in various intelligence levels, including the very gifted such as Albert Einstein.

To help individuals become aware of their disorder, dyslexia screening is needed. Difficulty in spelling and reading, dismal concentration, restlessness, time management challenges, and dismal memory are a few symptoms of dyslexia.

Dyslexia have been defeated by a lot of individuals who now lead successful careers. A few examples are Thomas Edison, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo DaVinci, Tom Cruise, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jay Leno. This disability shouldn't hold back children and adults who have them.

Dyslexia's Diverse Kinds

There are various methods that are specially designed to help people overcome adult dyslexia. Adult dyslexics can conveniently and discreetly undergo online screening to determine the kind of method they require.

Dyslexia comes in two forms - developmental or acquired. Developmental dyslexia is described by a genetic abnormality in the brain area. Caused by injuries and brain trauma in birth is acquired dyslexia.

The level of dyslexia is also categorized according to the visuospatial difficulties, speech sound challenges, and correlating difficulties. Dyslexic adults can quickly figure out if they have any of these types with the presence of dyslexia screening on the Internet.

Dyslexia Treatment

Dyslexia has a cure. If a dyslexic starts to read, he is utilizing his brain differently. The fact that he has beated reading challenges shows that dyslexia can be treated. The dyslexic brain begins to work similar to those of non-dyslexics. Overcoming one problem and addressing the next have helped plenty of adult dyslexics function at work, even if it's a lengthy process.

How to Get Prescription Drugs out of Your Tap Water

One of the consequences of being "one nation under drugs" is being exposed to toxic, prescription drug metabolites via your tap water! Fortunately, with the right water filter, you can avoid it.

Drug giant Merck recently warned that "There’s no doubt about it, pharmaceuticals are being detected in the environment and there is genuine concern that these compounds, in the small concentrations that they’re at, could be causing impacts to human health and aquatic organisms." To wit, officials in Philadelphia identified 56 pharmaceuticals or by-products in tap water. Such medications included pain meds, cholesterol lowering drugs, birth control pills, antidepressants and blood pressure meds! None of which belong in little Johnny’s "sippy cup."

Don’t expect your city to be any different. The federal government doesn’t require any testing or safety limits for drugs in tap water. Protect yourself with the right water filter!

The market is flooded with various types of water filters - microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis reversal, membrane bioreactors, and combinations of membranes in series. At the conference on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability it was shown that reverse osmosis filters were the most effective at removing all pollutants, including pharmaceuticals. Looking for the most user friendly and economic filter, I found the RioFlow Complete 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System. For about $180, you can rest assured that your water is free and clear of "other people’s drugs.


Balanced Weight Loss Diets

Composition of energy value and preparation of food ration is called a diet. A balanced diet is necessary. More fruits and vegetables and a variety of diet should be taken. The best method is to follow a diet plan. Diet plan should be followed strictly for weight loss. Otherwise, health problems like tension, heart attack, cholesterol and diabetes may occur. Diet planning should be followed regularly otherwise it will lead back to obesity. . A balanced weight loss diet is.... one that provides all nutrients necessary for the body.

While on weight loss program, soup is a supplement and vegetables can be substituted according to taste. Vegetables like asparagus, peas, corn, turnips, cauliflower etc. can be added but beans should be avoided because they are high in calories.

Food containing low calories and low saturated fats should be taken. This makes the body healthier and wards off diseases. Proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins should be taken in regular quantity. Carbohydrates should be less in quantity. Dairy products rich in fat should be avoided. All these measures help people live longer.

A balanced weight loss diet is the diet that gives all the necessary nutrients. Weight loss diet does not ask you to starve. We should take food to gain energy and keep ourselves active. Weight loss diet replaces damaged tissues and cells through proteins, vitamins and minerals that we take in. The more active we are the more energy we need. So it is essential to eat a well balanced diet. A right combination of cereals, vegetables, fruits, milk, yogurt etc should be taken. Enough food provides energy for the body but more food stores it as fat to put on weight.

DAY1: Lots of melons is recommended the first day. Chances are that you lose 3lbs.
DAY 2: Stuff yourselves with all vegetables-unlimited amount or type.
DAY3: Mix fruits and vegetables-except bananas and potatoes.
DAY4: Eat as much as eight bananas and three glasses of milk.
DAY5: Eat 10 oz of lean beef and six tomatoes. Increase water intake to clean the body of uric acid.
DAY6: Eat unlimited amount of beef and vegetables.
DAY7: Take brown rice, all vegetables and fruit juice.

High protein and low carbohydrates food should be taken. Dairy products and fat products should be avoided. Cholesterol leads to heart problems and carbohydrates change into fats. Vegetables, chicken, grains, fish and nuts, which are protein rich and low in calcium, add to diet plans. Regular exercises and walking is a must. This helps in burning excess fat. A balanced weight loss diet provides the nutrients necessary for your body.

Quality as well as quantity of food should be taken close care of. Some tips are:- Milk can be used in place of cream in coffee and eat vegetable salads and drink fruit flavored water.

Advantages of weight loss diet foods:

A diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables not only gives vitamins, nutrition and minerals but also acts as a good antioxidant which wipes out free radicals and plays an imperative role in making us healthy and younger thus enabling us to lose weight in a natural way.

Types of Weight Loss Pills

Weight loss pills or anti-obesity pills are medications that help to lose weight. These drugs decrease the appetite and increase the physical activity. These drugs should be used only for life saving that is in cases of morbid obesity. Anti obesity drugs suppress the appetite, increase the metabolism of the body and help to absorb nutrients in food.

There are mainly two types of weight loss pills such as Prescription pills and Non-prescription pills. Prescription pills such as Phentermine, Xenical and Meridia help in reducing weight. Non-prescription pills like Metabolife and Herbalife supplement for the loss in weight. There are certain creams and gel, which penetrate into the skin and dissolve body fat. Diuretics promote urination. It eliminates excess water beneath the skin .It also supplies.... electrolytes to maintain muscle fullness.

There are a variety of weight loss supplements like fat burners metabolism boosters, apatite suppressants and thyroid supplements. The following are some of the weight loss pills.

Anorectics: These pills reduce the desire to eat. They are used to treat obesity.

Amphetamine: This drug is an appetite suppressant. It belongs to phenethylamines compounds. 

Ephedrine is a popular weight control product. It was banned in the U.S in 2003 but the ban was later revoked. It is also banned in competitive sports since it is said to enhance performance. It should be taken only after advice from the doctors. 

Cocaine, taken from the coca plant leaves, stimulates the central nervous system. It is also an appetite suppressant. But there are certain side effects like hypertension, physical disorder or heart valve diseases. 

Proactol reduces excess body weight. It is the first clinically proven fat binder. it is a medical device because it changes the mechanical process of digesting food in the body. This is 100 percent organic plant extract and fully natural. Proactol is free of allergens, artificial coloring salt flavors, gluten and preservatives. It has no side effects.. 

Pyruvate preserves muscle tissue as well as promotes fat loss. 

Thyroid boosters burn the fat in our body fast. FDA recommends natural loss of weight through exercise. 

Neopuntia is a 100 percent natural, 100 percent organic fat binder made from dehydrated leaves of nutritious cactus.

The obesity menace threatens diseases like stroke, cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. In such cases, diet pills can be of great use. Extensive research has shown that a reduction in dietary fat intake contributes to weight loss.


Dietary Patterns for Teen Weight Loss

A balanced diet is essential for teenagers to continue to grow. Frequent dieting always results in suppression of growth and at times weight gain also. Diets, which are meant for adults, do not suit adolescents.

Overweight in teenagers is caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns or a combination of both. Genetics and lifestyle also play an important... role. Teens need about 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Inactivity is more common among females than males. Teenagers are eating more and more junk food and therefore do not get enough of nutrients necessary for the body.

Overweight teens bear the brunt of teasing, social isolation, verbal abuse and emotional torture, which ultimately result in a negative self-image and an inferiority complex.

Vegetarian diets are always recommended for mid or late teenagers. Doing regular exercise and eating healthy food is the most effective way of reducing weight. Interestingly most of the teenagers want “instant solutions”. This invariably results in gain in weight and bad health. The best way to reduce weight is to take the advice of parents and doctors. A dietician gives a healthy plan which is calorie controlled. He may also advise on the exercise level.

There are certain steps to be followed. Firstly, make sure whether the concerned person really wants to lose weight. He or she should plan to exercise. Secondly both eating and exercising should be formulated and modified. This means a lot of exercise should be done and very low quantities of fat and sugar should be taken. It could be helpful if the whole family takes part in the weight loss program of the teenager. Thirdly, join in Weight loss programs such as TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly). You can also make use of a personal trainer or join a health club. These are less expensive. Finally, take the help of professionals.

The average 12-ounce can of soda has 150 calories and 10 teaspoon of sugar. Drinking water instead of soda and other sugar drinks will spare the teenagers hundreds of calories. As a substitute with variety, flavored water or unsalted soda can be taken.

To gain energy for the whole day, it is important to take a nutritious breakfast. Cereals rich in fibre and whole-wheat toast are recommended for teenagers. Snacks should be avoided as far as possible. Instead of snacks, it is better to eat frozen grapes or fresh fruits, baby carrots or low fat yogurt or pudding. Healthier habits should be adopted as a family than singling out the teenager. Doing exercises and healthier food are good for the whole family. Evening walks and weekend visit to a recreation club can be planned. Junk food should be left in the grocer shop itself. Healthy food may cost more but the investment is important. We should set a good example by ourselves

The key to success in weight loss is adopting healthy habits because an ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. Never ever opt for “instant solutions” for weight loss, because majority of them gain weight, not lose.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

Medicinal Values of Green Tea

Green tea is believed to be in use as a medicine for at least 4000 years in china. It is also believed that green tea lowers the cholesterol levels by increasing the good cholesterol and decreasing the bad cholesterol. Green tea is rich in antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) .It destroys cancer cells and also inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Even though the French people consume diet rich in fat, they are less prone to heart attack than the Americans. Similarly, even though 75 percent of the Japanese are smokers, they are less affected. This is because EGCG is more in green tea used by them. It acts as a protective agent against premature death from heart attack and cancer.

Green tea also destroys bacteria thus preventing tooth decay. Researchers have also found that green tea even helps dieters. The leaves of green tea can also be used for...... cooking. The leftover leaves can be used as manure for garden plants to grow better. The ingredient present in green tea is polyphenol. It is the most effective antioxidant. It is present in higher amount in green tea than in black tea.

The basic difference between green tea and other teas like oolong and black tea is that while the latter come from the leaves of camellia simens plant, green tea is processed in a different way. Green tea leaves are steamed which prevents the EGCG, a power antioxidant, from being oxidized. In contrast, black and oolong leaves are made from fermented leaves and so EGCG is converted into other compounds, which are effective in preventing and fighting various diseases.

Clinical trials indicate that green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation. Green tea also raises thermo genesis (the rate at which calories are burnt) and hence increases energy expenditure. Green tea also increases endurance in exercise.

Drinking green tea has a whole lot of benefits like fighting against cancer, stabilizing diabetes, helping in weight loss, slowing the ageing process and helping digestion. Green tea also enhances immunity in our body. About four cups of green tea each day provides 300 to 400 mg of polyphenols, which help in antioxidant activity. These antioxidants help in slowing diseases. A research Institute in Tokyo found that drinking green tea is the best method to prevent cancer at present. All types of cancer like stomach, lungs, breast, liver, colon and rectal can be prevented by green tea.

Green tea prevents cholesterol from being absorbed by the digestive tract. This in effect means that even if the fat is taken, the body does not absorb it. Green tea also helps in preventing unhealthy clotting. Rinsing the mouth with green tea after meals helps in fighting bacteria and thus prevents cavities. One cup of tea with each meal acts as a metabolic stimulant. This helps in weight loss. The caffeine in the tea burns extra calories in the body and fat is digested by polyphenols. A recent study stated that EGCG found in green tea could help to boost one’s immune system thereby helping to prevent HIV.

And to top it all, green tea probably is the only substance in the world with so many medicinal values and without a single side effect!

Effective Herbal Weight Loss Methods

Obesity is one of the major problems now a days the reasons being many. Maintaining healthy life by using herbal products is called as Herbal life. Herbal life products contain herbal components and help in losing weight. The genuine herbal weight loss combined with exercise can definitely help in getting rid of excessive weight.

Herbal products are prepared from the leaves, stems, roots, bark, buds and flowers of plants. They are taken in their natural form or refined into tablets. When compared with other weight loss products, herbal products are more effective and less in calories. Herbal products are rich in taste. Herbal products help in losing weight in a very short span of time without any risk and there are no restrictions in diet.

Some of herbal medicines manufactured for weight loss are:......

Ephedra: This is a stimulant, which suppresses the appetite. Small amounts can be taken but it is not recommended for diabetic or heart patients.

PPA (PHENYL PROPANOL AMINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Researchers say that it improves weight loss when taken with a low calorie diet. FDA has approved it with a warning on their labels.

Herbal teas: The ingredients, which promote weight loss, are locus plant, ginseng, buchu leaves and papaya. Herbal teas are growing in popularity.

Amino acids (CARNITINE): This enhances the burning of fat. Since it has calories, it increases the calorie intake also.

Fucus vesiculosis: This is a sea vegetable having iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium. Since it contains iodine, it helps in thyroid hormone production to maintain metabolism in our body.

Gallium Aperine: This is a diuretic and lymphatic cleanser. It is used to clear the body of toxins.

Garcinia Cambogia is a natural appetite suppressant and boosts metabolism.

Taraxacum Officinalis has a rich source of vitamins like A, D, C and B and minerals, iron, magnesium, Zinc and manganese.

Glycolrrhiza Glabra is a tonic stimulant for the digestive system.

Erythrea Centauriumis is an excellent purifier of blood and a general tonic

Pauline Cupani boosts energy levels

Curcuma Longa was used three thousand years ago as a treatment for obesity

Zingiber Officinalis stimulates energy production and improves digestion

Herbals are most popular dietary supplements. Weight loss can be achieved through correct diet plan, regular exercise and brisk walk. Herbal products not only help in weight loss but are also good in taste. Herbal life products are les expensive compared to other weight loss pills. Herbal weight loss program is easy to follow and can fit into any schedule. Exercise is not a must to lose weight with the herbal weight loss program.

Source: Free Articles

How Motion Aids Healing

The therapy most often taught to deal with acute injury uses the acronym RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. While it is important to give an injured body part rest, it is equally important to not rest it too much. The R in RICE should stand for Range of Motion, according to many sports therapists. In fact, the developer and main teacher of Soft Tissue Release, Stuart Taws, uses the acronym MICE (Movement, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) for his method of therapy.

Almost any person that hears the word “surgery” automatically assumes that bed rest will be next. This is due to the fact that almost all hospitals enforced bed rest after surgery for many years. Because of resting too long, patients had big adhesions that took a long time to heal.

Patients now recover more quickly, since...... they are encouraged to utilize mobility opportunities following a surgery procedure. In fact, a patient who has had knee surgery will be put into a device that flexes and extends the knee on a continuous basis to keep adhesions from forming.

Adhesions, resulting in an inhibition of normal range of motion, can occur if an area is given too much rest after an injury. The client may accept the reduced range of motion as normal. It is common to not notice any difference at all. This is one of the reasons that people regularly re-injure an area that was formerly injured.

To know how and how much to move an injured area, you need to know how the body responds to injuries and about the inflammatory process's different stages.

The beginning stage of inflammation is the reactive or acute stage. Redness and swelling will occur because of vascular changes during this stage and are likely to extend over a three to four day time-period.

In this stage, range of movement is decreased due to swelling, as well as muscle spasms and intentionally or unintentionally guarding the area to prevent further injury and pain. To help reduce the swelling during this stage lymphatic massage is suggested. After the muscle spasm has been reduced, gentle movement may be conducted.

Regeneration is phase two in inflammation. This step can last for several weeks. While this phase is ongoing, collagen formed by fibroblasts helps to reconnect tissues that have been torn apart. Collagen fibers are formed in a random fashion, and may block movement when they intersect muscle fibers or other tissues. At this time, motion is essential to ensure that the collagen fibers align with the muscle and fascia so that movement is facilitated.

Remodeling and scar maturation is the last stage of inflammation. During this phase, the patient needs to move the area on a regular basis so that scar tissue doesn't restrict future movement or lead to unpleasant scars. After scar tissue forms, deep massage work must be utilized to break it up.

Taking the following things into account, movement should be done.

Gain a full understanding of the history of any former injuries and the symptoms that are being experienced at this time. You should use active movement, resisted muscle tests, and passive range of motion assessments to determine the health of the area. If you suspect that a muscle tear has occurred, avoid resisted muscle testing.

Once you have gathered the client history, start with passive movement. Gently examine and work limitations in the range of motion. The patient should not endure any pain during this process.

Do not move a joint beyond its normal range for motion. Look at the opposite, unaffected side to determine the patient's normal range of motion.

The muscle may be pressed into while being stretched. This process is referred to as passive stretching. This process ensures that collagen fibers that cross the grain of the muscle are broken while those that run parallel to the muscle fibers are not. If pain free, the person can return to active movement.

You can press into the muscle while the recovering client is actively stretching it. The muscle being stretched, because of reciprocal inhibition, will become more relaxed, as the client will be using the antagonist muscle. This process is more effective than passive stretching.

At this point, you should start slowly with passive movement, and then graduate towards active and resisted movements, remembering to stay within the comfort range of the client. Motion is quite effective in accelerating your clients' healing process.

Source: Free Articles

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Defeat Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar and insulin deficiency/inaction.Insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas, facilitates glucose to enter body cells to give them energy. It is also needed to synthesize proteins and store fats. In uncontrolled diabetes, glucose and lipids (fats) remain in the blood stream and in course of time damage almost all organs of the body and also cause heart disease.Diabetes acts on the body gradually and is therefore called the 'silent killer'. Even the heart attack that occurs to a diabetic is supposed to be painless and hence more dangerous because the patient dies,not even realizing what has befallen him. The organs most likely to be affected are kidneys, eyes, feet, and the heart.

The number of persons suffering from diabetes is rising rapidly, the main reason being the change in lifestyle involving more stress and strain, less exercise and food which does not contain fiber and essential nutrients.Diabetes can be broadly classified into two types: Type 1 diabetes also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile-onset diabetes accounts for 5% to 10% of cases .Type 2 diabetes called maturity-onset diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. It is Type 2 diabetes that accounts for overwhelming majority of diabetes cases.

The classical symptoms of the disorder are as under: Frequent urination Excessive thirst Unexplained weight loss Extreme hunger Sudden vision changes Tingling or numbness in hands or feet Feeling very tired much of the time Very dry skin Sores that are slow to heal More infections than usual.

Because of its devastating effect on the body organs, the management of diabetes is one of the most important subjects in clinical practice. Blood sugar level has to be kept under control with oral medicines or insulin. In Type 1 diabetes there is no alternative other than insulin. But in Type 2 diabetes oral medicines can also be used to control the blood sugar level. However, oral drugs have adverse side effects and the body also develops resistance after some time. Then there remains no alternative but to submit to insulin and daily injections.

Proper diet and exercise help to a large extent in keeping diabetes under control. Regarding diet and exercise, the following points are important:

avoid having large meals in a day. Try eating small divided meals as this helps to control the blood sugar levels use sugar as well as salt in moderation eat foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, beans and cereals take limited carbohydrate diet as this raises blood sugar level restrict meat, oils, dairy products as they contain more fat, thereby raising your weight and risk of heart disease. exercise for better sugar level control. Daily workouts will keep you healthy and fit bicycling, jogging, swimming, badminton, tennis, stair climbing, fast walking and running are some forms of exercise walk to the mall, shopping centers, climb stairs; these will help in achieving/maintaining normal body weight and also maintain normal blood sugar level proper time to exercise will be 1 to 3 hours after a meal or snack but do not exercise when you are not well.

Apart from the above, there is one more thing which is equally important - proper care of your feet. Take care of your feet as you take care of your face. Wear good quality, well-fitting, soft and comfortable shoes and clean socks.And avoid walking bare foot even when you are indoor.

As per medical science, diabetes can only be kept under control; it can never be cured. But one individual has found ways not only to control the syndrome but also to reverse it. If you want to use this escape route please visit the following site and get your redemption there:

Related Articles - diabetes, diabetes cure, diabetes control, exercise, diet, foot care,

Story of a Heart Attack

The Story of a Heart Attack (An excerpt from The No Bull Book on Heart Disease: Real Answers to Winning Back Your Heart and Health) by Joel Okner, MD and Jeremy Clorfene, PhD

Heart attacks do not come in "one size fits all." Heart attack victims experience a wide range of symptoms ranging from minor physical discomfort to intense, attention-grabbing pain. The story told here describes a typical heart attack similar to that experienced by many of our patients. It is told from the point of view of a male cardiac patient, although many women have similar cardiac experiences. In fact, heart disease is the number one killer of women. (See chapter 10 for a discussion of many of the unique problems women encounter when battling coronary artery disease.)

What's in a Name?

Myocardial infarction. Coronary thrombosis. Angina pectoris. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Pulmonary stenosis. For you, they all add up to waking up in the middle of the night, and you don't feel right. You're sweating, short of breath, and have a pain in your chest. You get out of bed and go downstairs. You still feel bad. Maybe it's a little indigestion. You take two antacid tablets and wash them down with a glass of cold milk. You stick your head outside the kitchen door to get some fresh air and you feel a little better. You're not sure what's going on with you. Maybe it's anxiety about the big meeting you're going to the next morning. You walk upstairs and get back in bed. You toss and turn and can't get comfortable.

Now your wife wakes up because you've ruined her sleep. She asks what's bothering you. You say you just don't feel well. She looks at you and says, "You know what? You look terrible. Let's call 911." You say, "No, no, no. Just drive me to the hospital and I'll be fine."

Halfway there you say, "You know what? I feel a lot better. Let's go back." She says, "We're going to the hospital."

What to Do If You Think You're Having a Heart Attack

If you have even the remotest inclination that something is wrong with your heart, even a 1 percent chance, there are four things you should do in this order: 1. Chew two to four aspirins immediately. Don't swallow them whole. They're going to taste awful but chew them anyway and then swallow. This simple step can be lifesaving. 2. Call 911. Yes, it's going to be embarrassing. The children, the neighbors, the dog, everyone's going to wake up, but this is a life-and-death situation. 3. Do not convince your spouse to drive you to the hospital instead of calling 911. 4. Stay in bed and let the paramedics do their job. This is not the time to start testing yourself to see what brings back the chest pain back (for example walking up and down stairs, or going outside in the cold air). Common Symptoms of a Heart Attack oLeft-sided chest pain (sometimes the entire chest and right side is affected as well) oDull, aching, or toothache-like pain oPressure-like something big is sitting on your chest oA squeezing sensation-like someone is squeezing your chest oNausea oVomiting oProfuse sweating oDizziness oShortness of breath oPain may spread to the left arm, right arm, neck, or back

In the emergency room you're nervous and don't know what to tell the triage nurse. You finally blurt out, "I'm having some chest pain." She says, "OK, we'll take you to a room and get you checked out. Can you walk twenty feet?"Absolutely. No problem. You're a guy.

By the time you walk the twenty feet you're drenched in sweat and the pressure in your chest is a lot worse. You take off your clothes, put on a hospital gown, and lie down. You really don't feel good.

You have now stepped out onto the floor and begun "the dance." You're going to be dancing to this music for a long time with many partners. You're going to be passive and follow their lead for a lot of it.

The emergency-room doctor comes in, asks you some questions, and writes a bunch of orders. While you're wheeled out and given a barrage of tests, your wife sits in the corner of a cramped examining room holding a plastic bag with your belongings. It's clear that she feels displaced and left out.

A while later, you (now called "the patient") return to the examining room, followed by the doctor, who tells you what's going on: "Mr. Smith, we got the results of your tests. Your troponin is positive, and your CPK isoenzymes are negative. We did an EKG, and this is somewhat borderline. We're going to do some more tests, OK?"

You don't understand one word he's said, but you're too terrified to say anything, so you just shake your head yes.

Getting a Stent

Before you have a chance to calm down a little, a new team of doctors and nurses file in to take you to your cardiac catheterization (a procedure where a thin plastic tube is inserted into a leg artery in the groin area and advanced into the heart or coronary arteries to make another bunch of tests). You're medicated and pain-free and actually feeling pretty good.

You're chatting with the team on your way to the catheterization lab, and your wife is following behind the gurney. You say good-bye to her before you disappear through the double doors.

In the lab you're lying on the table naked except for a little towel covering your groin. Lights are blaring, music is playing, and people are walking all around. The towel is whisked off, and the right side of your groin is scrubbed, shaved, and covered with a sterile blue drape. You're sedated and the cardiologist performs the procedure.

Next thing you know, you wake up in the recovery room. It's likely you've been slotted for one of three treatment paths: 1. Drugs, because you may have been found to have minor artery blockages and require medical therapy. 2. You may be the proud owner of a stent, a small metal tube that is inserted into a blocked artery to hold it open and allow blood to flow to the heart 3. You're on your way to the operating room for coronary artery bypass grafting ("CAPG" to the medical profession; "bypass" to the man on the street).

Your old life is gone. Welcome to your new one, and get ready, you'll need a good roadmap for this one.

You're back in bed and hooked up to an IV that's dripping chemicals into your veins. The doctor comes in. You've been waiting all morning for this guy, and now he's standing beside your bed. You're looking up at him, scared stiff. He's looking down at you, and he says, "Let me tell you what we found."

You need a decoder to figure out what he's saying. "We did an angiogram last night at about three o'clock when you came in with accelerated unstable angina. The ejection fraction is about forty-five percent, which puts you borderline for heart failure. We actually found two different blockages in the mid-LAD and distal circumflex artery and put in a rapamycin-coated stent, and you should do just fine." He gives you a prescription for nitroglycerin and says, "Take this if you need it and I'll see you in two weeks. Do you have any questions?"

Do you have any questions! You've got a million of them, starting with "What the hell did you just say?" But all you can get out is "How do we arrange for the visit?"

Just as the doctor opens the door to leave, he turns and says, "Oh, Bob, until I see you again I don't want any driving, no sex, no work, no lifting more than ten pounds, and no exercise. And to answer your question, the discharge nurse will help you make the follow-up appointment with me. Take care." Crazy with anxiety, you and your wife watch him go. What You Cannot Do After an Angiogram

For the first forty-eight hours you should take it easy: no running, climbing, sex, exercise, driving, or lifting weights over ten pounds. These activities won't hurt your heart, but they could cause bleeding problems at the angiogram site in your groin, which takes about two days to heal.

You are discharged from the hospital later. Until the appointment with your cardiologist, you feel at sea, set adrift with no paddles, rudder, or workable sails.

Bypass Surgery

In many cases stenting the coronary arteries, as described above, is a suitable option. But for many cardiac patients, open-heart bypass surgery is the appropriate treatment. In this case here's how the scenario might play out.

After you awake from the catheterization, the doctor walks in with your wife. By the look on their faces you have a sneaking suspicion they've already spoken to each other and she knows what's going on. You are clueless.

Here are Some Basic Definitions to help you decode what everyone is saying to you:

Angioplasty: A procedure where small, specialized balloon is inflated in the blocked (or partially blocked) coronary artery in order to open it up.

Stenting: After angioplasty, a very small metal scaffolding is inserted in the artery at the site of the blockage. The stent looks like and is about the same size as a spring at the end of a pen. This helps keep the artery open long-term.

Open-heart bypass surgery: A surgical procedure where your breastbone (sternum) is cut in half and new blood vessels are put in around (i.e., bypassing) the original blocked arteries, providing a new blood supply to the heart.

"Well, Bob," announces the doctor, "it looks like we can't treat the blockages with stenting or angioplasty, so you're going to need bypass surgery. We'll get that set up, probably tomorrow morning."

Next, a surgical nurse comes in and gives you all the details, 99 percent of which you're never going to remember because you stopped listening when you heard the words open-heart bypass surgery.

What to Expect After Bypass Surgery It's now a day after the surgery and you're in the intensive care unit. Here's what you should expect for the next two to seven days:

oYou will stay in intensive care for days one and two. This is an anxiety-producing place, with machines all around you, making an incredible amount of weird noises. You hope they're good noises, but you can't be sure. The electrocardiogram machine beeps nonstop; you're worried that if it stops you're going to die, or if it beeps too fast you're going to die. Tubes are stuck into places you never imagined tubes could get into. You are totally miserable. You feel like you've been run over by a truck.

oDays three and four are a little better. You're out of intensive care, and most of the tubes that were in bad places (like your chest and bladder) are out, but you're still sore and not sleeping well. The trite, comic complaint is all too true-every time you fall asleep a nurse wakes you up to see if you need something.

oOn days five, six, and seven you get ready to go home. This is good; you feel you can do this. The nurses walk with you in the hall, working on your lungs and strength. A discharge planner works with you and everything is going really well.

oThen suddenly it's time-you get to go home. Leaving the hospital is a double-edged sword. On the one hand you're happy to go home; on the other hand, you're a little nervous about being cut loose from the constant medical attention you've been receiving. As you leave the hospital it's almost as if you've been reborn. You have become a "patient-citizen" living in the medical world where you're dependent on family, staff, and doctors. It's a totally different world, and you have to adjust to it.

What to Expect When You Get Home

At this point, you should be prepared to confront a number of issues.

oYour wife doesn't know how or where to touch you, and treats you like a fragile piece of crystal. This pisses you off. oYour wife and children are scared because they've never seen you so sick and weak, and they don't know how to act. Your wife is also angry because you screwed up her life. oYou can't work for four to six weeks. Don't even think about it. And you can't drive or lift. You have all kinds of new medicines, new side effects that you have to figure out, and you're monster tired. oYou're undoubtedly going to be depressed. If you had a problem before the heart attack, it's going to blow apart now. oThe surgical site in your leg where the catheter was inserted hurts more than your chest.

The First Post-surgical Doctor's Appointment

Now it's time for your first doctor's office visit, and you're psyched up for it. You've been home one or two weeks, and although you're feeling a little bit better, you're still not sure about what you can and can't do. Your wife constantly yells at you, saying, "They must have told you five times in the hospital what your limitations are!"

The two of you walk into the doctor's office fifteen minutes early. You have fears and anxieties-and an hour's worth of questions. Your wife told you to write them down, but, of course, you didn't because you're a guy, you can remember these things. But no one ever told you that after a bypass you might have memory problems

The Most Common Questions I Hear After Bypass Surgery (Dr. Okner) 1. When can I go back to work? 2. When can I start having sex? (Why do women patients never ask this question?) 3. When can I start exercising (even though the guy has never exercised before in his life)? 4. When can I drive? 5. When do I see you again? The Questions I Should Hear After Bypass Surgery 1. How's my heart? 2. How did the surgery go? 3. How long do I have to take these new medicines? 4. How long will it take my breastbone to heal? 5. What can I expect my life to be like in the next three to six months? 6. What can I do so I never have to experience this again?

Some of the Most Common Fears and Anxieties Expressed After Bypass Surgery (Dr. Clorfene) 1. I can't take care of my family. I'm going to lose my job. 2. I have lost the respect of my spouse. My family treats and looks at me differently. 3. I don't know how to get back to "normal life." 4. I am damaged goods. I am never going to get better. 5. I can't make the lifestyle changes the doctors want me to make. 6. I'm going to look damaged and ugly because of my scars.

You expect to be the first patient. The receptionist will greet you with a big smile; the nurses will embrace you and take you to a room where the doctor will answer all your questions. You're going to have a great day.

Instead, you find out there are ten people ahead of you in the cramped waiting room. You finally get a seat when somebody moves his coat off of a chair. You notice that although you have been waiting for forty-five minutes, the two people who came in after you are taken in ahead of you. All you can hear are sounds of merriment and laughter coming through the glass door that separates you from where you want to go. You're starting to sweat and your chest hurts. Or are you imagining it?

You begin to hate the other patients and office staff for complicated reasons. You hate your fellow patients because they're your competitors, even though you may never see them again. You want to get to the doctor and then get the hell out of there, and they want the same thing. Then there's the staff, the insensitive dolts who are laughing and having fun while you're sitting there in the waiting room, feeling anxious, fearful, and in pain. In your anger, all you can think about is killing the people sitting next to you and those behind the glass window.

At last a nurse calls your name. It feels like you've won the lottery because you're so excited to see the doctor after waiting an hour and a half. But do you see the doctor then? Yes, but only for a moment, as he passes you in the corridor on his way to another patient. Meanwhile, you've been led into a small examining room and are told to take off your clothes. A triage nurse takes your blood pressure, does an EKG, and asks you about all kinds of things you already answered on the form you filled out when you first came into the office.

You wait half-naked in a hospital gown for another thirty minutes, and then the doctor materializes. Here's your chance to get all your questions answered. But guess what? You've forgotten everything you wanted to ask. All of your questions about your fears and concerns are suddenly gone and . . . you're done. The doctor has hurried off to his next patient in the next examining room.

You walk out and your wife grabs you and says, "Tell me everything the doctor said!" You say, "He said I should come back in three weeks." At this, she wants to murder you. You want to do the same to her because you know she was right about writing down your questions.

You go home and have to call the doctor and say, "You know what, I forgot to ask you some questions." The doctor does not call back immediately and you and your wife are mad at each other all over again. And, as the saying goes, the rest is . . . for another day.

To read more of The No Bull Book on Heart Disease: Real Answers to Winning Back Your Heart and Health, published by Sterling Publishing in Jan 2009, contact your local bookstore. About the Authors:

Dr. Okner received his B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan and M.D. from the University of St. Andrews and University of Glasgow, in Scotland. He is American Board Certified in Cardiovascular Disease and American Board Certified in Internal Medicine. He served as Director of Cardiac Cath Lab at Condell Medical Center from 1998 to 2002 and has been the Medical Director of Condell Medical Center (MCHI) since 2000.

He completed his internship and residency and was chosen as Chief Resident at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. He has been in clinical practice at Condell Medical Center for approximately 14 years.

Dr. Okner is a practicing cardiologist and devoted to his community by being involved in many outreach programs such as the cardiomyopathy screening program for high school athletes.

Dr.Clorfene is a licensed practicing clinical psychologist, specializing in health psychology and psychotherapy.

He treats people with heart disease, diabetes, obesity, chronic pain, depression, stress/anxiety disorders, and smoking cessation. He is the Director of Psychological Services for the New Direction Weight Management program at Condell Medical Center and head psychologist for the same hospital's Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation program

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Vegetarian Dishes: Vegetarians and cancer

You might have a general idea that eating a vegetarian diet is more healthy for you. But do you really know how much less the incidence is of certain types of cancers among vegetarians?

Vegetarian diets—naturally low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and replete with cancer-protective phytochemicals—help to prevent cancer. Large studies in England and Germany have shown that vegetarians are about 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat-eaters. In the U.S., studies of Seventh-Day Adventists, who are largely lacto-ovo vegetarians, have shown significant reductions in cancer risk among those who avoided meat. Similarly, breast cancer rates are dramatically lower in nations, such as China, that follow plant-based diets. Interestingly, Japanese women who follow Western-style, meat-based diets are eight times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who follow a more traditional plant-based diet. Meat and dairy products contribute to many forms of cancer, including cancer of the colon, breast, ovaries, and prostate.

Harvard studies that included tens of thousands of women and men have shown that regular meat consumption increases colon cancer risk by roughly 300 percent. High-fat diets also encourage the body’s production of estrogens. Increased levels of this sex hormone have been linked to breast cancer. A recent report noted that the rate of breast cancer among premenopausal women who ate the most animal (but not vegetable) fat was one-third higher than that of women who ate the least animal fat. A separate study from Cambridge University also linked diets high in saturated fat to breast cancer. One study linked dairy products to an increased risk of ovarian cancer. The process of breaking down the lactose (milk sugar) evidently damages the ovaries. Daily meat consumption triples the risk of prostate enlargement. Regular milk consumption doubles the risk and failure to consume vegetables regularly nearly quadruples the risk.

Vegetarians avoid the animal fat linked to cancer and get abundant fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals that help to prevent cancer. In addition, blood analysis of vegetarians reveals a higher level of “natural killer cells,” specialized white blood cells that attack cancer cells.

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Related Articles - vegetarian,

A Look At The Risk And How To Prevent Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a scourge that forms in the tissues of the lung cavity. The cancerous cells generally will form in the lining air passages. Health professionals are not forever able to decide the "why" or causes that a being developed cancers and others do not. Nevertheless, researchers can supply insight that can main to a very close explanation from studies performed and a general design of menace in the population.

Many of the routines and lifestyles the people prime daily contribute to the development of many diseases counting lung plague, virus swelling, and other illnesses in a role's body. For this intention we can say that just about something that an anyone does that increases the odds of contracting, developing, or diffusion a disease or illness is called an imperil analyze. Lung bane prevention depends on the elimination of many, if not all the threat factors associated with the disease.

Therefore, so if you can eliminate the expose factors that contribute to the development of a particular illness or disease, you can terribly diminish the likelihood that the illness will use. Outside genes that may have been inherited from family organ which may make it inevitable that a self will advance a certain disease or illness, risks dynamic elimination is prevention. With this said, you should be informed that just because a person avoids the venture factors associated with a particular illness or disease, that is not a promise that a person will not result the illness. Avoidance of expose factors only decreases the chances and increases the chances of lung growth prevention.

Methods of lung evil prevention enter the evading or elimination of smoking or phone with next hand smoke. Choosing not to smoke is the number one menace thing that should be eliminated. If you are predisposed to or have genes that may escalate your likelihood of getting lung scourge, live informed of, and keep in dealings with your doctor to help with early detection for timely treatment if the necessity arises. Proper diet including fruits and vegetables splendid in antioxidants and flavonoids help to shield DNA and repair dented cells. Enlarged wisdom of the chemicals and agents that you are exposed to at work will help with lung plague prevention. Possible carcinogens contribute to the development of numerous types of cancers. Cancer cubicle development begins with the cacinogens that interrupt habitual section development and they can be found in seats where certain chemicals are contained. So, know the risks factors, prevent them if likely, and pay attention to your eating habits. All will minor your risks for developing lung cancer and other deadly diseases.

Visit the Lung Cancer Facts website to learn about lung cancer symptoms and lung cancer prognosis.

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Top 7 Tips To Treat And Prevent Cancer Pain

Treating cancer pain depends on a variety of factors such as the type of cancer you have, the extent of the disease, and your individual tolerance for pain. But while the source of the pain can vary, one thing is for certain. Most of the time, it can be controlled. Cancer pain can stem from physical factors such as a tumor pressing on nerves or bone or from side effects from treatments such as chemotherapy. It may also be aggravated by anxiety or depression. The pain can be chronic or acute. To conquer the pain, here are some tips that you can consider to adopt to manage the pain effectively.

1. Heal Your Veins

To help ease tenderness and swelling caused by repeated injections. Apply aloe vera straight from the plant, if possible to the injection sites. Or make a paste of goldenseal powder and water and pack it onto the affected areas before you go to sleep, leaving it on all night. Both treatments can help soothe the pain.

2. Try Hypnosis

Hypnosis has long been known to control pain. Hypnosis can help you dissociate from the pain. It is like turning down the dial from 10 to 2. You can find a qualified hypnotherapist through the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis.

3. Honor Your Emotions

Anxiety, depression, worry, fear, all of these emotions can influence how much pain affects you. Recognize that these emotions play a role in the perception of pain and, if necessary, ask your doctor to refer you to a psychotherapist or counselor. You may also opt to join a cancer support camp.

4. Learn to Relax

Stress-management techniques such as visualization and meditation may help reduce the sensation of pain. The most basic relaxation technique is to sit quietly and focus on your breathing for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Or ask your doctor or nurse to recommend a relaxation audiotape.

5. Take A Stroll

Walk regularly, if possible. Even taking a brief walk around your room can improve your circulation and help your body metabolize pain medication, thereby controlling any side effects.

6. Get A Massage

Massage can help reduce emotional stress and thereby lessen your perception of pain. Massage can also relieve tight, tense muscles and help maintain your flexibility and range of motion.

7. Exercise, If You Can

Even gentle exercises can help release endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers. Get whatever exercise you can, within reason.

Raymond Lee is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is the Founder of Bodyfixes Group specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts." Visit for more information.

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Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Acne Treatment | Ayurveda

Acne is a skin problem that leaves majority teenagers and a lot of adults embarrassed. Acne can affect upper parts of human body including nose, forehead, cheeks, chin, upper back, neck, shoulders and chest area. Males are more prone to acnes but it lasts longer in females.

Ayurvedic view of Acne / Acne Treatment:

Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine in India. Ayurveda originated in India thousands of years ago. The most known ancient literacy work known as the “Vedas” gives the historical evidence of wisdom of Ayurveda. Ayurveda explains hundred of diseases along with their causes, symptoms and remedies on lines of Dosha Theory. Ayurveda cited lifestyle adjustments for each disease, which plays an important role in curing the diseases.

Ayurveda works on the “Theory of Tridosha.” According to which, the three doshas or energetic forces in the form of tissues, control all activities of the body. The three doshas are:

• Vata ( “Vayu” in Hindi, “Wind” in English) • Pitta (Fire) • Kapha (provides the lubrication in the body eg mucous lining of the stomach)

In ayurvedic terminology we call acne as “Youvana Pitikas”, meaning breakouts of youth. Ayurveda has also explained causes and treatments of acne.

Cause of Acne

According to ayurveda there are two main doshas (causes) responsible for acne and pimples:

• Kapha • Vata • Rakta dhatu (blood)

Unhealthy diet and lifestyles defect Vata, which in turn affects two doshas, Kapha and Pitta, to get provoked. Motivated Pitta affects Rakta dhatu or blood.

The defective blood causes excess secretion of oil from sebaceous glands. Kapha which already has oily property is forced to impart the stickiness to the blood. As a result thick sebaceous blocks are formed in skin pores and hair follicles which in turn results in acne.

Treatment of Acne in Ayurveda Healthy and clean skin is the first line of defense against any infection. Ayurveda has suggested many acne skin treatments to protect skin from pimples, acne, dark circles, wrinkles and acne scars and to make the skin amazingly smooth and healthy.

According to Ayurveda, acne free face can be achieved by actively working on the following plans.

1. By adopting the modified diet and life styles to balance doshas. 2. Massaging face regularly with the herbal oil containing madhuka, laaksha, matulunga, etc. 3. Applying a face pack containing masoora, kushta, kaaliyaka etc after every massage.

Ayurveda claims that following the above procedures for seven days helps achieve a face free from pimples, acne and its scars, and dark circles.


Herbs for Hair Loss

Ayurveda, the ancient science of medicine, has been using herbs to cure hair loss effectively. These herbs are derived from natural plants and are free fron side effects. Some of the herbs that can help combat hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth are discussed in this article. These are proven to be practical, natural, and effective for centuries. Eclipta Alba (known as Bhringraj in India) is an ancient herb used for health of hair. It prevents baldness and premature graying. Fenugreek, also called Greek hay in English and Methi in India, is another remedy for hair loss. Fenugreek work by increasing the dilation of blood vessels to the scalp which improves blood circulation and nutrient supply to this area. Fenugreek seeds have very beneficial effects on hair growth. It has a unique mix of constituents, which contribute to maintaining healthy-looking hair and a well-nourished scalp. Emblica Officinalis or Indian Gooseberry is one of the best known natural products for overall health of hair. It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. Gooseberry also strengthens roots of hair, maintains color and luster. Eating fresh fruit or applying its paste on hair roots improves hair growth and color. It is popular as Amla in India. Shikakai is also one of the ayurvedic herb used for its strengthening & conditioning properties on the hair. It controls dandruff, promotes hair growth and strengthens hair roots. It is popularly known as "fruit for the hair" as it has a naturally mild pH, that gently cleans the hair without stripping it of natural oils. Soap nuts (sapindus mukorossi) herb liquid can actually be used to clean hair in place of your regular shampoo. Popular as Reetha in India, Soap nut is an excellent hair tonic and used as a natural cleanser for washing hair, and forms a rich, natural lather. It is still being used as a naturally produced shampoo by the rural folks in India for washing their hair. Henna is another excellent herb for the maintenance of healthy hair. Henna or Lawsonia Inermis can enrich, color and enhance overall health of hair. It is a powerful and natural hair conditioner that can help heal the hair shaft by repairing and sealing the cuticle, protecting hair against breakage and loss of shine. Indian Neem or Azadirachta Indica helps remove dandruff and has a detangling effect on the hair. It possesses antidandruff, antibacterial, anti viral and fungicidal properties and therefore protects or fight with infections of scalp. Aloe Vera or Barbadensis Miller is considered to be one of the best herb for hair loss. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent hair loss and are even beneficial for curing Alopecia. Moreover, the herb is also known to stimulate hair growth. Herbs contain healing compounds that can help rejuvenate unhealthy hair, restore its shine and balance, and combat hair loss. With these natural and safe alternatives one can not only take care of hair but also keep away from harmful products full of harsh chemicals.


Ayurveda's Help To Sexual Problems In Women

Ayurveda's Help To Sexual Problems In Women

Unlike men who are easily stimulated to have a sex session , women need a lot of stimulation before they can get aroused for a sex session . The most important difference between men and women lies in the time it takes to have orgasm between men and women . While men get a an orgasm in three to four minutes , women can take from ten to 30 minutes to have an orgasm , as a result of this difference many women are left sexually unsatisfied because by the time they are aroused , their partner is over and done with .

As a result of these unfulfilled sexual desires , women tend to loose interest in sex altogether . The lost interest in sex is usually indicated by the following conditions

1 . The appetite for sex is lost ,and she will be always having a reluctant mood for sex .

2. She does not get excited with sexual suggestions.

3 . She is not able to achieve the point of plateau ( plateau is the highest point of sexual excitement just before the orgasm) or an orgasm .

4 . The sexual intercourse is very painful for her.

The consequences of the above conditions are dire and may lead to problems in relationships ,unfaithfulness and may even lead to separation .

The western medicine has not yet developed a medicine which is approved by FDA for treating women sexual problems , and the prescription drugs which are being taken for these symptoms carry a danger of too many side effects.

Due to these problems of side effects people are reverting back to the alternative form of treatments like ayurveda as they cure the root of the disease with natural herbs and do not carry the burden of any side effects .

Here are some of the herbs which have been used for centuries to cure and enhance women sexual desires

1. Tinospora Cordifolia (Indian Tinospora) This herb increases the immunity power of the women , as a a result of which women becomes more strong and full of energy for physical activities.

2. Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) This herb has been used for centuries to combat ulcer and promotes healthy function of liver and helps in delaying the aging process.

3. Allium Cepa (Onion) It aids in digestion and has been shown to have positive effective effect on women sex glands.

4. Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) Ashwagandha is considered as the most powerful aphrodisiac in the ayurveda . It is sometimes referred to as ' Ayurveda's Answer To Viagra' .

5.Myristica Fragrans (Mace) It helps in increasing sexual vigor and helps to prolong sexual activity and sensitivity in the vagina .

These herbs have been time tested and cured unlimited number of souls just like us . We should try to protect our mother nature because it is her which gives us these life saving herbs.